Investigation Project.
This investigation is about one of the principal problems that all the big cities present nowadays, is the garbage. That’s why I chose to investigate about the environmental effects caused by the garbage, and I have titled it:
"The environmental effects caused by garbage in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur."
Problem Statement.
Cabo San Lucas is located at the southern tip of Baja California Sur, in agreement with numbers of the INEGI in the year 2008 Cabo San Lucas had a population of 66,877 inhabitants, and by 2010 the municipality had a demographic expansion rate of 4% equivalent to 74.730 inhabitants. Demographic expansion in Cabo San Lucas has been one of the principal factors that have generated the increase of the garbage in the locality.
In 2008, Cabo San Lucas produced 240 000 tons of garbage, that is 1.05kg per person per day.
In agreement to the realized diagnosis, the demographic expansion has been one of the principal factors that have generated the increase of the garbage in the locality.
Projections of the Plan Municipal de Desarrollo 2008-2011 indicate that for the next years the population will continue to increase, meaning that by 2011 it is expected that the town has a population of 78.673 inhabitants causing the increase of 1.05kg to 5.19kg for persons a day.
To avoid increasing the garbage over the next few years is necessary to implement strategies to help reduce this problem.
It is necessary to create strategies to raise public awareness of Cabo San Lucas on the environmental effects that the garbage causes to the environment.
Problem statement – Formulation. Which are the environmental effects caused by garbage in Cabo San Lucas?
Problem statement – Derive Questions.
· Which are the effects that the garbage causes in the air, the water, the soil?
· What actions is it carrying out the Municipal Government to attack the problem of the garbage?
· What actions is population carrying out to prevent the problem of the garbage?
General Objective. Identify the environmental effects that cause garbage in the town of Cabo San Lucas, to create and implement strategies that are used to sensitize the people about the damage that the garbage causes.
Specific Objectives.
- Identify which are the effects caused by the garbage in the: air, water, soil, and then propose a strategy to help reduce these effects.
- Analyze the Laws of Conservation and Preservation of the Environment to regulate the state of Baja California Sur.
In conducting this investigation are of great relevance for the population of Cabo San Lucas, known as the environmental effects that cause the garbage to the air, water, soil and people health, allowing them to prevent future damage in the environment.
This investigation was realized from May 09 to August 08 of the present year, during the ninth cuatrimester period of the Degree in Business Administration in the Tourism sector, of the Universidad del Golfo de California located in the Colonia Centro Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico. This investigation will cost $ 5786.73 mexican pesos.
Framework - Theorical framework. The garbage constitutes a problem for many cities, specially the big ones, this due to the increase of the population, the human modern activities and the consumerism there have caused the generation of enormous quantities of garbage.
The garbage qualifies in several categories depending the nature of the same ones, for this investigation only we will mention, to the organic, inorganic and sanitary garbage.
The garbage has turned into a problem for the big cities due to the effects that it causes in the water, in the soil, in the air, even in the health of his inhabitants.
The Law of Environment considers that: the continuous and massive emission of pollutants to the atmosphere, the spillage of liquid substances, the emission of solid toxic particles from industrial, mining, agricultural, tourist and urban activities, between others, they degrade the environment and affect negatively the health and the quality of life of the population humanizes and the wild life.
Framework – Conceptual framework. In order to standardize the meanings of certain terms used in this investigation, these terms are defined below:
• Effect: Process that can be activated or modified by a certain action and can produce changes or alterations.
• Garbage: There comes from the latin versúra, derived of verrére that it means to sweep, for this the original meaning was what has been swept.
• Inorganic garbage: It is all that that comes from materials and synthetic products.
Organic garbage: It is all that that is generated of the remains of alive beings. This type of garbage is biodegradable.
• Sanitary garbage: They are all those materials used to realize medical treatments.
The effects caused by the garbage:
-in the water are: the death of marine fauna and illness in people.
-in the air are: the release of greenhouse gases.
-in the soil are: soil erosion and species extinction.
-in the water are: the death of marine fauna and illness in people.
-in the air are: the release of greenhouse gases.
-in the soil are: soil erosion and species extinction.
The type of study that was used in this research is exploratory, since it does not have background on this theme applied in the town of Cabo San Lucas, as well as serve as a basis for future researchers wishing to conduct similar research in another time and space.
Therefore the method used in this research was the analysis and that from the beginning was raised to identify the environmental effects that cause the garbage to the environment.
To collect information on the research topic documentary sources were used in a broad sense, classification tertiary critical analysis using these sources were found on the Internet.
Therefore the method used in this research was the analysis and that from the beginning was raised to identify the environmental effects that cause the garbage to the environment.
To collect information on the research topic documentary sources were used in a broad sense, classification tertiary critical analysis using these sources were found on the Internet.
The techniques used in this study were the field as they visited some local spots that have the problem of litter; type of observation was indirect, because I based on videos and pictures which show these effects.
Therefore here are the results:
Results of the investigation entitled:
"The environmental effects caused by garbage in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur."
It is evident that large amounts of garbage affects the environment, either in air quality when they reach the gases from the decomposing garbage, the waste ground when it incorporated, or water from rivers, lakes, lagoons and seas if the waste is dumped into it or simply if they are washed by rain or dropped by the population.
Effects caused by garbage in the air.
When decay or decompose organic waste from garbage is coming to release greenhouse gases, among them:
· Methane (CH4). From the decomposition of organic matter by bacteria, is generated in landfills, is a product of the burning of trash, animal excretion.
· Nitrous oxide (N2O). Released by the excessive use of fertilizers, organic waste present in animals; evaporation comes from water contaminated with nitrates and also reaches into the air by the putrefaction and the burning of organic garbage.
· Carbon dioxide (CO2). It is the most abundant gas and causes the most damage, as well as their toxicity, remains in the atmosphere about five hundred years. The main sources of generation are: the burning of oil and its derivatives, burning trash, excessive logging, lack of forest cover and the decomposition of organic matter.
These gases trap types gases contribute to the heat generated by sunlight in the atmosphere, in a process known as the greenhouse effect. This phenomenon contributes to climate changes that are currently and may be more drastic than those that occurred in the last hundred years. All greenhouse gases are natural components of the atmosphere, but the problem is the high concentration of them which makes it impossible to remove from the atmosphere naturally.
Effects caused by garbage in the water.
Water pollution is largely due to the various industrial, agricultural and livestock practices, as well as household waste or school in general and to pour into it alter its chemical composition making it unsuitable for consumption, irrigation or the lives of many organisms.
It can be classified into two groups of water contaminants: organic and inorganic.
The first consist of waste materials (food scraps, peels, etc.). Generated by living beings. In addition, organic pollutants are considered the bodies and excrement. The latter are pollutants from sewage dumped by residential homes, industries and farmers.
It can be classified into two groups of water contaminants: organic and inorganic.
The first consist of waste materials (food scraps, peels, etc.). Generated by living beings. In addition, organic pollutants are considered the bodies and excrement. The latter are pollutants from sewage dumped by residential homes, industries and farmers.
By depositing organic waste in the water, it attracts a large number of bacteria and protozoa that feed on debris, their activity increases on a large scale reproduction and thus over-population grows, therefore consume a greater volume of oxygen dissolved in water, killing many fish they do not have that element indispensable for the respiratory process. However, bacteria are not affected because many species can make breathing without the presence of oxygen, that is, anaerobically. This process known as fermentation causes the water to become turbid, foul odors to dismiss the presence of hydrogen sulfide and methane (product of fermentation), resulting in the death of many fish, sometimes of economic importance to man.
Sewage, the water used for washing, house and even the coming of the baths can be very dangerous if the droppings contain traces of pathogens that cause diseases like cholera, amebiasis, and typhoid and so on. Inorganic wastes include hazardous chemicals like lead, arsenic and mercury, in addition to detergents, insecticides, fertilizers and even oil.
Effects caused by garbage in the soil.
Any waste or scrap materials to be deposited on land, are broken and damaged, thereby causing severe environmental problems and who live in it most organisms, including humans. In addition, she obtained much of the resources used in food.
All living things have a life cycle in which they are born, grow, reproduce and die. During it, perform various biological processes such as feeding, digestion and reproduction. When altering the environment in which they live, these processes are interrupted or performed poorly.
Organic and inorganic waste materials that are dumped in nature modify the conditions and cause changes that can range from erosion until the extinction of species.
The garbage can outside not only end with the natural habitat of organisms, but disrupt biogeochemical cycles, or end up with members of food chains.
As a result, humans have fewer resources to feed, to seek new lands to exploit conditions further harm the planet and also incur many diseases caused by littering the environment.
The garbage in the city.
The waste management cycle is summarized beginning with the generation and accumulation time, continuing its collection, transport and transfer and ends with the final build of it. It is from this build when they begin the real ecological problems, as landfills become permanent sources of contamination.
There are several forms of accumulation, one of which is that of open dumps, areas simply accumulate waste without receiving any treatment. Another way of stacking is the final burial controlled, which is to have garbage in a relatively small area within a site chosen for this purpose, extend it, compress it and when it reaches a height of two meters, is covered with earth brought from any excavation work.
Among the phenomena that cause environmental problems is the mixing of industrial waste with general waste. Where they are mixed without precaution with household waste and are transported to open dumps.
Landfills cause environmental problems affecting soil, air and water, the topsoil from the area disappears, there is soil erosion, pollutes the atmosphere with inert material and microorganisms.
Cabo San Lucas, BCS. - Worried about the accumulation of garbage generated in the causes of the streams, and as instructed by the Mayor, José Antonio Agundez Montaño, the Deputy Municipal Lagarda Martin Ruiz, gave the go home to clean up campaign in the Arroyo Salto Seco, starting from the edge of the colony Leonardo Gastelum and which was headed by the coordination of public services.
Martin Ruiz Lagarda regard, he stressed that the aim of this campaign is to clean all the causes of the streams that exist in this delegation, to avoid trash and increase during the rainy season to accumulate in the area of the board and the field Yenekamú and thus reaches the sea.
"From this campaign, we will work to implement an ongoing program of cleaning, where the people involved support us not to throw garbage into the causes that are kept clean and not harmful to other areas when it rains," said Lagarda Ruiz.
Similarly, the Municipal Executive Officer, said he regretted the situation that affects the entire community, which will propose the creation of a neighborhood committee and the installation of containers, to prevent the streams continue to be used as illegal dumping.
Meanwhile, Oscar Leggs, Coordinator of Public Services, added that about 50 elements are working to clean up Arroyo Salto Seco, which comprises about 5 to 6 kilometers and it is amazing the amount of junk that's in it.
"We will work permanently in the cleanup of streams, so every Thursday we do our work, urging people not to litter these streams continue to clean our work is not in vain," concluded Oscar Leggs.
Once presented and analyzed the results obtained in the accomplishment of this investigation, I conclude that and I confirm my hypothesis, which suggests that the garbage is damaging to the environment, for which it is necessary to do something to stop this problem before it is late.
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